Forty-five Percent of Small Business Owners Don’t Have a Business Website

In the article below, small business owners will learn 6 ways to get a free domain name.

It may seem elementary, but many small businesses still do not have a presence online. They rely on word of mouth. It’s still the No. 1 marketing source of growth, according to the CNBC/SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey. At the time of the publication, circa June 2017, almost half (45 percent) say they don’t have a business website. And only about one third (36 percent) use a business website to communicate news to customers and potential customers.

A domain name is a website address that includes a name, a dot (or period), and an extension like “com” or “net” like We reviewed several ways to get a free domain name, including sourcing one directly from a domain name provider and securing one as part of a paid hosting package.

According to , “on a basic level, domain names are important because the Internet’s addressing scheme is not very effective without them. … A short, memorable domain name can make the difference between creating a successful Web presence and getting lost in cyberspace. A domain name adds credibility to your small business”.

5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need a Website!

  1. Credibility. It’s more common for businesses to have websites than it is not to. …
  2. Brand Development. When people think of branding, they usually think about a logo. …
  3. Marketing. …
  4. Competition. …
  5. Control. …

Learn more here: Understanding Why Small Businesses Need Websites.

Get A Domain Name for FREE

Then head over to 6 Ways to Get a Free Domain Name in Less Than a Minute which appeared first on Fit Small Business and learn how you can potentially secure a domain name for your business for free.

Still don’t have a business website, let us know why in the comment section below.

Bob Coleman is Director of Marketing at the Prime Group, LLC and a contributor to WPFSI.

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