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Making a move requires thinking in terms of benefits and tradeoffs. To move from a current living situation to a different living situation requires giving something up in order to gain something else. If you are considering the possibility of a move, chances are a move is past due, as the majority of people tend to wait longer than they should to make a move.

Assisted living is a type of living arrangement in which you receive personal care such as meals, housekeeping, transportation and assistance with activities of daily living are available as needed.  Unlike nursing homes, residents in assisted living remain independent.  Assistance with daily activities may include help with bathing, dressing, diapering, medicating or help moving from one place to another.  Also, an important aspect of assisted living is to provide security, comfort and engaging activities for the residents.

Assisted living fills a gap between home care and nursing homes. The alternative of assisted living provides a more homelike environment for people needing or anticipating help with activities of daily living or incidental activities of daily living but for which 24-hour nursing care is not a necessity.

Instead of the hospital environment of a nursing home, assisted living facilities look more like apartment buildings with private rooms or suites and locked doors.  There is a help desk as opposed to a nurse station. And instead of a hospital-like lounge area and sterile cafeteria, assisted living has gathering areas with couches, fireplaces, gardens, atriums, etc. Central dining areas look more like banquet rooms and often offer entertainment during or after mealtimes. Meaningful activities and chats with neighbors in pleasant surroundings, keep residents active and stimulated. Frequent outings are also planned. And transportation is available to residents who can’t drive.

When we begin to consider the idea of moving a family member to an assisted living community, the benefits of living there are not always crystal clear. Though we know older adults will be safer and have more friends around, activities to keep them busy and perhaps someone to take them to the doctor, every resident will benefit a little differently. The real benefits will become apparent to the resident and his or her family only after they have actually lived in a community for several months.  Talk it through and make the right choice for you and your family.

Shonte Eley