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The WesGold Fellows program is approaching the start date quicker than we could have imagined and we are very excited to meet the students!

Our first event together, the WesGold Fellows scavenger hunt, was a success on Saturday, June 7th. This is the first time we are having this event and hope to continue it in our future years.

We have selected all fourteen fellows for the program this summer and are very excited for each and every one of them. We have students from Mastery Charter, Bartram, Lankenau, Benjamin Rush, Parkway Northwest, George Washington Carver, Parkway West and Strawberry Mansion.  This is extremely exciting for us and we love seeing so many schools being represented.

The students come from several backgrounds and all have different interests that will be catered to throughout the program. We have some interested in business, others interested in starting their own businesses and almost everywhere in between.

The official start date is now less than one month away and we couldn’t be more excited.

Learn more about the WesGold Fellows program here.

Shonte Eley